The way you approach anything in life depends on how you see yourself
Fulfilment in your life and success of your business are truly in your hands because it is the drive, passion and love that you give it, which will make it happen. Self-love plays a key role for you to achieve success in all areas of your life. It is the only way you will be able to align your inner self with the culture of the company you are building. Self-love has a great impact not only on the entrepreneur or person, but it also has a commercial and organisational impact.
Commercial Impact
Leading from the heart is extremely rare, but extremely powerful. It is the only thing that will differentiate you from your competitor. When you are connected with yourself, you are able to connect better with all your stakeholders, with the same respect and love you give yourself. When you value relationships over transactions, you will certainly win. Honouring the person when expressing your thoughts or desires is more important than drafting or communicating an outcome-based conversation.
Be it terminating a premature agreement to getting a refund on a signed contract or letting an employee leave, when you speak from the heart and with the intention of love, the outcome will always be in your favor. E (event) + R (reaction) = O (outcome) – this powerful equation has stood true for the above reason. However, what is not mentioned is how to enable leaders to react with love rather than fear or ego.
Organisational Impact
‘Success is something you attract by the person you become’ — Jim Rohn. When you become that person you aspire to be, you will be able to inspire leaders and peers in your organisation to be their best.
People want to be part of something meaningful, passionate and purposeful. They want to be part of a company that not only thrives on positive energy but also enriches their lives. As a leader, when you are connected to yourself, you will be able to connect to your team at a higher level which exudes empathy and compassion. When you are concerned about your team member’s growth at a human level, then performance follows.
When you start living by your values and letting go everything that doesn’t serve you, you will be able to cultivate and maintain the company values. And it’s always the company values and principles that drive your business. They impact the employee experience you deliver as well as the relationship you develop with your customers, partners, and shareholders.
Personal Impact
It is important to love yourself because the relationship you have with yourself determines the quality of every other relationship in your life — be it personal or professional. Only when you are in a loving relationship with yourself will you reflect that love in other areas of your life. The relationship you have with your work is not different from the relationship you have with your family or food or money. The more in love you are the more fulfilled you will feel at work.
When you accept yourself fully for who you are, your team members accept you for who you are. When you operate from your authentic self to serve your work/mission/vision, you gain power to deliver your best for your own satisfaction. Your energy becomes contagious and powerful, and that is what you need for your company to grow.
You can improve the relationship you have with yourself by spending time with yourself because you can’t be in love with someone you don’t know —
1. Meditation or Meaningful silence
2. Journaling (forgiveness, gratitude)
3. Exercise
4. Reading and learning
You become a conscious and authentic leader running a conscious and authentic organisation. Success is then a by product!